Some may say that sleep is overrated but is it?  Read on to find out how important sleep really is…

sleep hacks

Sleep recharges your brain, repairs your cells and creates healthy hormones

Sleep can help you lose body fat.  HGH – Human growth hormone is a fat burning, muscle building hormone that is only produces (after the age of 30) when we are sleeping or involved in high intensity interval training or strength training.  Not only this but sleep can also balance our appetites by helping to regulate levels of the hormones ghrelin and leptin.  These hormones play an important role in our feelings of hunger (ghrelin) and fullness (leptin). So when we’re sleep deprived, we may feel the need to eat more, which can lead to weight gain.

Sleep can make you beautiful.  Good sleep allows for collagen that has been broken during the day to be replenished.  Collagen is what creates elasticity in the skin for a healthy, young look.  So sleep makes you beautiful!

Sadly, 40 million American suffer with sleep disorders of some kind.  Sleep deprivation can have some very detrimental effects on your health.

  • Lowered: immune system function and reaction time
  • Increased: anxiety, stress, frustration, anger, depression, pain, inflammation, fatigue, weight gain
  • Associated with: Heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure

Professionals recommend that children ages 3-12 get about 10 hours of sleep per night and adults get between 7-9 hours of sleep each night

You’ve most likely heard the term “circadian rhythm” thrown around in conversations regarding sleep.   These rhythms determine our wake cycles and sleep drives. The circadian rhythm dips and rises at different times of the day, so adults’ strongest sleep drive generally occurs between 2:00-4:00 am and in the afternoon between 1:00-3:00 pm (the afternoon groggies!).  Typically these cycles between wake and sleep last around 90 minutes.

Let’s talk about some of my favorite sleep hacks to help improve the amount and quality of sleep you get.  The list is long so just start with the ones you think you can tackle today.

#1 – Get uninterrupted sleep

Studies have shown that those that experience sleep interruptions(such as from babies and young pets) are more likely to have sleep problems later on down the road.  The Journal of Sleep Medicine performed a study that showed that people that had 4 episodes of interruptions a night showed similar affects to people that only received 4 hours of total sleep in a night.  You lose much more than the short 15 minute interruption in sleep.  if you have a child or pets try to alternate nights of responsibility with your spouse.

#2 – Get up on time

Try to get yourself on a regular sleep schedule that your body can rely on.  Sleeping in late to catch up on ZZZ’s throws off your circadian rhythm and can actually make you more tired.

#3 – Take short naps

If you are a napper, try to limit your nap time to 45 minutes or less.  It takes longer than 45 minutes to get into deep sleep mode.  Keeping naps to less than 45 minutes will be restorative without giving you a nap hangover

Setting your body up for good sleep:

#4 – Get your day time and night times straight

Because of our crazy lifestyles our body’s signals can get messed up.  Expose yourself to early morning sunlight to let it know it is time to be up and at ’em.  When exposed to early morning light, the brain is  signaled to raise body temperature and produce hormones like cortisol. This surge in cortisol is what wakes us in the morning. The brain also responds to  light by delaying the release of the hormone melatonin (our sleepy hormone) .  Similarly, it is important to let your body know when it is time to wind down in the evening.  A few hours before bedtime begin lowering the lights in your house.  This will  send the signal to your body that bedtime is around the corner.

#5 – Get your workout in!

Join a group or train solo

Join a group or train solo

Exercise has been proven over and over again to improve sleep.  One of the first things my clients tell me when they begin training is that they are sleeping much better right from the beginning.  It is almost instantaneous.  Many people can have sleep disturbances when they workout in the evening too close to bed time so pay attention to this and shift your workout time to the morning if it is a problem for you

Bedtime  routines that can help:

#6 – Give up the electronics

I know that this is a tough one these days because many of us have separation anxiety from our phones and tablets but for good sleep this is a must!  The short wave blue light that is emitted from cell phone, tablets and computers suppresses the body’s production of melatonin (remember our sleepy hormone?)  A study showed that a person that is exposed to the use of devices before bed produces 55% less melatonin.  These people got 10 min less REM sleep and woke up sleepier.   This is such an easy fix for such big gains.

#7 – Magnesium

Here is a mineral that a majority of people are lacking but are not very aware of. Magnesium is a systemic relaxant. It is good for reducing anxiety, tight muscles, headaches, constipation, lowering blood pressure and so much more.   Magnesium can be taken internally (be sure to check with your doctor if you are taking medications), used topically in the form of a lotion and soaked in with the use of Epsom salts in the bathtub.  Magnesium is also a useful treatment for Restless Leg Syndrome

#8 – Rock the bedtime accessories!

images Ear plugs and eye masks…they work!  Ear plugs (get some HERE) will prevent you from waking every time the dog shakes his collar,  the freezer dumps it’s ice cubes into the bin,  orrrrrr, your spouse starts snoring.  For many people it is hard to fall back to sleep after waking in the night.   Sleeping in a very dark room has also been shown to improve the quality of sleep.  Get yourself a fun little sleep mask to help reduce the glow in your bedroom coming from the street lamp outside, the alarm clock or the hall light left on for the kids.  Get the eye mask, ear plug dombo pack HERE! They may not be sexy but they do work!

#9 – Brain dump

Many people can fall asleep just fine but when they do wake up they can’t turn their mind off long enough to fall back to sleep.  Jotting down your thoughts and to-do’s before going to bed can help to clear your mind.  You’ll know that the list is there waiting for you in the morning and you won’t have to worry about is all night long.  Prayer and meditation before bed are also excellent ways to clear your mind and put you in a peaceful space.

#10 – Create a solid bedtime routine.  When my sleep cycles get out of whack, here is my go-top routine:

Beginning in the morning:

  • Wake up on time 4:30-5:00am
  • Workout
  • Get early morning sunlight

Evening bedtime prep (2 hours before bedtime)

  • Begin turning down lights around the house, particularly in the bedroom
  • Take magnesium
  • Turn off the computer, cell phone and/or tablet
  • If there is time, use the hot tub or take an Epsom salt bath (added lavender essential oils are nice to add for a relaxing effect)
  • Drink a cup of Sleepy Time tea or any tea containing chamomile, passionflower, lavender or valerian root
  • If I am having a very difficult time sleeping I take THIS herbal blend for a few nights.  It is AMAZING at resetting my sleep cycles.


  • Go to bed at the same time as usual – preferably the earlier the better – Studies show that you will get better quality sleep if your go to bed before 10 pm
  • Go potty
  • Snuggle in
  • Put in your ear plugs and dawn your cute little eye mask
  • Brain dump, pray/meditate


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