Menopausal Metabolic Mastery

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You don’t HAVE to feel defeated.

You don’t HAVE to give up!

Just because you are a women “of a certain age”

(Who else hates that phrase ??)


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Everything in this program is based on women in perimenopause, menopause, and beyond.

REAL TALK:  I hear so many women say ” I just don’t feel good in their skin anymore “… There are few things more defeating than feeling that midsection jiggle and not being strong enough to do the things you want to do in life.

Let’s be honest…  Who doesn’t want to feel amazing walking across the room naked with the light on and turing your husbands’ head?

Who doesn’t want to feel confident and sexy again? (And, NO, that is NOT out of your grasp!)

Who wouldn’t feel AMAZING in clothing if they felt incredible OUT of it! 

We will get you in amazing shape and health using the Missi Balison Fitness Hormonal Reset Method


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This is our proprietary method we’ve used for years to help Perimenopausal and Menopausal Women look and feel their best.

It is based on the 3 R’s – Revive, Rebalance & Reset

It includes:

  1. REVIVE a sluggish metabolism:  Our fitness program is build around specific exercises for a big hormonal impact in a short amount of time.  Safe, sane, and time efficient strength training is key to starting and sticking with any fitness program.  The workouts in this program are specifically designed for ingniting the sluiggish peri/menopausal metabolism.
  2. REBALANCE fat burning over fat storage: Blood sugar balancing meal plans will make a quick difference in how you look and feel.  – In peri/menopause your change in hormones mean that you can’t eat the way you did in your 30’s.  We’ll teach you how to eat to take  belly fat off … And keep it off
  3. RESET your lifestyle habits and mindset – I’ll teach you a are a few SIMPLE , but extremely valuable adjustments you can make that will make a HUGE impact on your energy levels, perimenopausal anxiety you maybe feeling and belly fat that you may have gained.


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STRENGTH.  That’s the secret. Strength leads to more muscle, less fat; more energy, less fatigue; better sleep, better bones, and a better brain. There’s no single form of exercise more important as you age than strength training. It’s not just about those arms, but about your confidence, attitude, and feeling of empowerment.

Safe, sane, and time efficient strength training is key to starting and sticking with it. STRONGER breaks down the most important movements, and keeps the exercise basic and the results optimal. So you get the most results in the least amount of time, injury-free.

You see, Estrogen was your muscle building, fat burning hormone but as we wave “Buh-Bye” to this metabolic supporter we need to learn to exercise in a way that will still create lean muscle and burn fat… Even after menopause.


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EATING FOR MENOPAUSE:  As we enter peri/menopause our hormones have shifted in a way that changes how we need to eat to keep our metabolism running high.

In the Menopausal Metabolic Mastery Program we will not only TEACH you how to eat in a way that supports your new hormonal make upa but we’ll also give you done for you meal plans to help you choose the right foods as you’re learning to develop the habit of making healthier choices that match your metabolic make up.

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COACHING AND CAMARADERIE: Succeeding in this new time of life requires a whole new level of education and knowledge as well as a strong support group so you don’t feel alone!

We are here to teach you what you need to know about this new body so you can finally achieve the results that you may have thought were a distant thought!

You’ll make your way through various lessons about life in menopause that will help you understand how your body is changing and how you can meet its needs with just a few tweaks and adjustments to your fitness, nutrition and lifestyle habits.

I think you’ll be AMAZED at how simple it really can be when you have a support group helping you along the way!


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[av_iconlist_item title=’Small Group Or Private Training Sessions’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue83f’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
You’ll join us at my private women only studio here in Sandpoint.

Small Group Training sessions are a great way to meet new friends, have fun and get a great workout.

Private training sessions are perfect if you want a personalized approach to your goals, fitness modifications or aren’t quite ready to be in a group setting.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Fat Burning Home Workouts’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue83f’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
You’ll get full length workout videos that you can do at home for your off studio days.

  • Yoga videos are included to support your mobility as well as your strength
  • Core videos added support your ability to lift stronger with less injury, better posture and reduce back pain
  • Strength videos will help continue to build muscle that will burn fat all day
  • HIIT Videos to help revive that metabolism

You’ll get access to these videos for the full 6 weeks of the program.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Done For You Meal Plans’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue83f’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Blood sugar balancing nutrition is KEY to your hormonal success in peri/menopause.  While  teaching you to eat well on your own I will provide you with done for you meal plans, recipes and shopping lists.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Menopause Educational Modules’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue83f’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
My philosophy: Knowledge Inspires Motivation!  When you know better, you do better.  Each week you’ll get access to a new series of short video lessons that will teach you about the ins and outs of menpause that will..

We’ll cover topics like:

  • Meet the hormones:  What are the major players, what they do and how to support them
  • Supplements to soothe your menopausal symptoms
  • Bone Health
  • Lifestyle factors that make the biggest impact on swinging your hormones in the right direction.
  • Menopausal Fat Loss Secrets Training

[av_iconlist_item title=’Coaching And Support’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue83f’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
We’ll do weekly Q & A and livestream coaching calls in the Privat Facebook group.  You’ll always have the support you need to gain and keep momentum.

Accountability is your biggest asset when creating a new routine.

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When you click the “Apply Now” button you will be redirected to a short application. Then we’ll hop on a free strategy session call to make sure this is the program you are looking for and that our schedules are a match


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2x Week Small Group Training

Choose which sessions work best for your schedule

Early Bird Discount – $209

$30 savings when you sign up by Tues, Sept 21


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3x Week Small Group Training

Choose which sessions work best for your schedule

Early Bird Discount – $269

$30 savings when you sign up by Tues, Sept 21


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Early Bird Discount – $129

$30 savings when you sign up by Tues, Sept 21


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We’ll hop on the phone and make sure our schedules fit


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Our private studio is little bit different than many gyms in that we want to make sure you get the coaching you need to get the results you want.  We are based on small group sessions or private sessions by appointment.


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There is no reason to suffer.

Living in metabolic mayhem and not feeling like yourself ix no fun at a time when you should be living your BEST LIFE!

You’ll need strength to do all of the amazing things you want to do in the coming years!

Don’t be that girl that thinks “Maybe I’m too old for this”… You CAN get it back!

I have story after story fo clients taht have done more after 50 years old than they ever thought they’d be able to do.  They are happier and more energetic than when they were in theeir 40’s!

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[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Christine’ subtitle=” link=’http://’ linktext=”]
“Just do it! Go all in. It is so worth it. I feel better than I have in years. Not only have I lost weight, but I am less stressed, more organized, happier and healthier. Missi gave me the tools to really change my life for the better. Thank you so much, Missi!” 



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[av_iconlist_item title=’STEP ONE: ‘ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue812′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Clkck the “Apply Now” button to fill out the short program application
[av_iconlist_item title=’STEP TWO’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue812′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
When we recevie your applicatioon we’ll hop on a call with you to make sure

  1. This program is the rigth fit for you
  2. Our schedule lines up with yours
  3. Which sessions are the best fit for your goals and your fitness level

[av_iconlist_item title=’STEP THREE’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue812′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
When we determine that our studio and program is the perfect fit for you we will send you the payment link to get you signed up
[av_iconlist_item title=’STEP FOUR’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue812′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Once you have reserved your spot we will add you to the private Facebook group so you can get started preparing for hte program.
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This will be the perfect chance for you to get familiar with the studio, ask your questions and let us assess any modifications you may need for your workouts.

This way you’ll feel super comforatble on the day of yoour first workout!

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