Setting Intentions Is The Power Behind The Goals

In December we tend to focus on two things…

Enjoying where we are as we partake in holiday celebrations and

Looking ahead at what is to come!  

That’s a little contradictory, yes, but if we give each of these things their own time and place we can make it work.

Let’s talk about looking ahead and setting intentions.

As a personal trainer of over 26 years I believe that setting goals is ESSENTIAL to getting the results wesetting intentions and goals want. If we don’t set up a target, how do we even know if we are aiming or shooting in the right direction? How do we know if all the activities we do in a day will line up to lead us toward that goal or if they are just keeping us busy. When we measure all of our activities against this goal it becomes clear if we are being the most productive with our time and activities or if we are just spinning wheels – None of us have time for spinning wheels!

What does “Setting Intentions” mean?

We hear about setting goals all the time but what about intentions?  What exactly is an intention?  I tend to think of intentions as the purpose, reasons and feelings behind a goal.  Who do you want to BE as you reach that lofty goal?

A goal is typically a tangible or measurable  outcome… We want to lose weight, we want to have more energy, we want to run a 10K, we want to look amazing in that holiday dress…  Research shows that people who set goals are more successful.

An intention is the thoughts, feelings and overflow to the rest of our life that reaching this goal will have.  Intention is what helps bring our goals in to balance with all the other things going on in our world, outside of the measurable.  If we are focused so much on a goal that we sacrifice time with friends and family, or we become really grumpy in the process have we really hit the target?

Intentions are a very important thing to consider.

Ask yourself… What am I really trying to achieve on a whole by obtaining this goal?

This could take some time.  Here are some things to consider.  Finish each question with… “as I achieve this goal” :

How do I want my relationships to be?

How do I want my home to feel?

What feelings do I want to exude to others?

What things do I want to prioritize?

What other things are important for me to maintain or improve in life?

What impact will I have on others?

What legacy am I creating?

Will my spiritual life be aligned and balanced?

There are so many other things to consider but this is a great place to start.

So, a short recap:

Goals:  The measurable outcomes you want to achieve to improve your life, fitness, finances, relationships…

Intentions:  Intentions allow you to focus on and maintain  who you are in the moment.  I helps us to to recognize, live and not lose sight of your values.  In doing this, we attach an emotion to the goal and this raises the physical energy that we put toward achieving the goal

Have you ever hear the term “Pretty is as pretty does?” I always think of this when setting goals and intentions. We can achieve our goals like a forceful bull in  a china shop or we can achieve our goals with grace and beauty, therefore actually accomplishing MORE than just the goal.  We can affect others in a positive way as we achieve the desired outcome.

How do we approach setting intentions?

I love to hit the “reset button” every Sunday and regain my focus for the coming week. Each week I write out my own workouts, just like I do for my ladies, I lay out my clothes, I plan my meals and do some food prep to make the week flow more easily and successfully…

I have also begun to pick a word for the week (or month) to help me determine if the tasks I am doing line up with the word of the week.

Take a few minutes today to think about what you want to get out of the coming week.

What do you want to  achieve?

How do you want to feel?

How to you NOT want to feel?

What purpose do you want to fulfill for yourself and others?

Lots of words may float through your head… I challenge you to pick just one!  You can use other words in other week.  Choose the word that either brings hope of relieving a heaviness you feel  in your life OR a thought that brings you a feeling of confidence and power.

Take it a step further and write that word on a sticky note and put it in all the places…. Your bathroom mirror, your car visor, your wallet, the fridge, the front door….

Are you an overachiever? (Yeah, I thought so)  you will love creating a vision board that includes your goals AND intentions.

Ask yourself throughout the week… “How does this word serve myself and those around me in a better way and is what I am doing, thinking and saying leading me closer to or further from this chosen word/intention.”

Another thing to think about is that if this word where focused, in one area – like a dandelion still intact what would/could  happen in my world if I gave it even just a little “puff” of action?  How would it spread and affect other areas of my life and the lies of others?

The amazing thing about intentions is that they are about who you want to be, what you wish to contribute to the world, and how you choose to touch the lives of others. When we feel confident about who we are becoming a whole new chain of events can open up for us!

Setting Intentions To Change Your Thoughts!

If you struggle with self esteem, lack of confidence or worry about what others think, intentions allow  you the opportunity to set that aside and CHOOSE how you are going to feel today

Here are some examples:

  • I will stand tall and confident in a room full of other women because I want others to feel the same way about themselves
  • Today I choose to feel joy around my coworkers that may be stressed
  • I will set perfection aside and enjoy the holidays with very special people

This is SO amazing because all it takes to have a fantastic day is to set the intention for it!  IF you catch yourself saying… “Ugh! Today is month end and everyone at the office is going to be stressed and grouchy”  set the intention that “I will choose to find joy in all things today in the midst of grouchiness”  and then sit back and watch what happens!  Sometimes all it takes in ONE person’s’ intention to set the ball rolling in a completely different direction.

Detach from the outcomes

I am a complete and total planner and this can be difficult for the likes of people like me.  I have been practicing, setting my intention and seeing where it leads me.  We often miss out on really seeing the blessings in life because we are so focused on a particular outcome of an action or intention that we fail to see the way that intention spread far beyond our own desires and thoughts of what is possible

Ponder on what it important to you, set an intention in that direction and check all of your thoughts, actions and goals to see if they are in alignment with your intention… Then sit back and watch the magic!

Need some help setting intentions  …

Check out our New Year’s ProgramSandpoint fitness
The Back to You in 2022 Program starts January 17th at our Sandpoint studio. If you sign up for Back to You in 2022 you will get our Goal Setting Workshop and Vision Board Workshop for free! Want to be a part of an amazing community of rocking ambitious people who support each other and are willing to give it 110%; then we would love to have you join us! Spots are limited so don’t wait. Click the link above to find out more!