How To Detox

Spring time is an awesome time to hit the reset button and the perfect time of year to detox so I want to take some time to dig deep.  Because it is a quite lengthy subject and I want to be able to go into detail on how to detox I am going to break this discussion down into 4 parts:

Part 1:   Creating a new mindset around detoxing the body, learn about what detox and the benefits of detoxing.

Part 2:    Signs your body needs a detox

Signs your body needs a detox

Part 3:  When to detox…best seasons

Part 4:  How to detox – Strategies for Success

So let’s dive into part 1.

Mindset Of Detoxing

First off, I think it’s really important to take a look at our mindset around detox.  Detox often gets a bad wrap because of all the supplements out there What is a detoxthat claim to work miracles on your system

Here are a few things that come to mind when most people think of detox:

  • Starvation
  • Deprivation
  • Master cleanse
  • Hippy bunk
  • Gimmicks
  • Supplement sales
  • It’s a myth

The fact is when we come into contact with toxins—things that  pose a threat to our health status – we simply must remove them.  That’s detoxification.

clean eatingI believe that a major part of the problem is that in out get skinny quick society we have come to use the word detox in the wrong way and with the wrong frame of mind.  It is really important to enter into a detox with a mindset of cleansing the body and lightening the stress load you are putting on it rather than one of rapid fat loss.   While weight loss is often a side effect of a cleanse or detox, the most important thing to focus on is the health benefits it will bring to your body.  You see, our modern day thinking is backwards when it comes to fat loss.  We often think that if we lose weight, we will become healthy when in reality if we become healthy first, through eating whole real foods, exercising regularly, de-stressing and sleeping well, we will inevitable lose weight.  Learning how to detox is one way we can become healthy first to allow our body to free itself of excess weight

Come with me for a moment and wipe out all of the flashy infomercial advertisements that come to mind when you hear the word detox.  Read this blog post with a new mindset and an excitement to get rid of the cringing feeling that comes with the approaching MLM representative trying to sell you on a line of shake and supplements to lose weight fast.

Let’s start fresh; a mental cleanse if you will…

Take off your, “I-really-really-want-to-lose-weight-and-slim-down-quick” hat and put on your  “I-want-to-be-in-the-best-health-possible-and-all-the-amazing-benefits-that-come-with-it”  beanie… We’ll just call it the “beanie”.

We need to get rid of the thoughts we have that detoxes are just for hippies and  read the facts.

Ok, let’s go.

Think of detoxing as a simply a break from anything that you might be eating, exposed to or experiencing in excess.  These are things that can make you feel out of balance not only in your health but in the scope of life.

We Can Detox From More Than Just Food

Think of all of the non food things we can detox from:electronic detox

Electronic devices

Too much alcohol



Mean, grouchy people


Too much of anything that doesn’t make us feel quite right or bring us happiness

Detoxing the body is no different.  

In our world today of pollution, plastic, pesticides, hormones,  digital devices, processed foods,

Why Do We Need To Detox?

In our world today of pollution, plastic, pesticides, hormones, chemicals, processed foods,

Artificial colors and flavors and yes, caffeine and alcohol.   We get a major influx every single day of these substances. Either a lot of  one or a combination of small amounts of all of them,   that our body doesn’t know what to do with.  These things were not around hundreds of years ago and while the body is amazing at adapting to our environment and helping us to survive at some point, just like our minds, it will become very loaded.  The liver is an amazing organ but we shouldn’t ask so much of it on a regular basis like most Americans do.  We have filled out lives with such busyness that we turn to modern conveniences to help us get by with the least amount of work possible.  These conveniences often come with a price.

The liver’s role in detox

It is important to remember that the liver knows how to detox our body naturally, this is it’s job.  We use the liver and kidneys to remove dangerous compounds that we come into contact with either through our food, water or air.  Although the liver and kidney are brilliant, we can improve their functioning, either by actively supporting them or by getting out of their way.he

The liver plays a major role in the body and by supporting it, we will help it function optimally.  The array of functions it performs is staggering.  These include:

  •       Controlling blood sugar
  •       Regulating fat storage
  •       Producing proteins
  •       Cleansing the blood
  •       Metabolizing fat (before you get too excited, don’t forget your health beanie!)
  •       Producing energy

benefits of detox drinksThe liver is a filter, just like the one in your car that gets gunked up with oil or chunks of residue in the air.  When we expose our bodies to all of the foreign substances listed above they are seen as gunk and residue.  The body, in it’s brilliance, will filter through all of it for us to help keep us functioning as optimally as possible.  When these toxins clog and overwhelm the liver, it will cease to perform its functions correctly.  If the liver cannot cleanse the toxins from the body effectively, those toxins can trigger an immune response which not only can burden the immune system but possibly lead to autoimmune diseases such as arthritis.  Every time we expose ourselves to environments or eat foods that the liver doesn’t know what to do with we ask the liver to work harder.  It’s kind of like your boss coming in and dumping a huge load of paperwork on your desk at 4:30pm on Friday afternoon after a fully loaded, stressful week.  Can you say brain fry?  This is how your liver feels too 🙁  

Detoxing For Fat Loss

You may also find that weight control becomes much more difficult as a result of a backed-up liver.  Blood sugar control, fat storage and metabolism are all critical factors in weight management, and your liver is a key player in this delicate balance. A toxic liver cannot keep up with its metabolic functions if it is unhealthy.  Exactly like your car running poorly when it’s filters are dirty and bogged down.  Or, in a simpler version, think of your vacuum cleaner when there is a Lego piece, a piece of paper and a bobby pin clogged up in the tube.  Same, same.

The body can express this overload in a myriad of way, some being food allergies, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, dark circles under the eyes, skin conditions, sluggishness, brain fog and digestive problems such as heartburn and bloating

What are the benefits of detox?

This is just short list of all of the benefits you can experience when you learn how to detox:

  • Healthier skin and hair
  • Renewed energy
  • Feeling lighter
  • Anti aging benefits
  • Clearer thinking
  • Hit the reset button on your clean eating
  • Weight loss
  • Better breath
  • Better body awareness
  • Boosts immune system
  • Rid the body of excess waste

With all of these benefits you can imagine how your entire life could improve.  You could have clearer thinking to allow you to be more productive at your job.  You could have more energy to start working out.  You can lose weight which starts the ball rolling for even more energy and better workouts.  You could have glowing skin that brings you a higher sense of self confidence.  You could add years to your life which…well, that’s just awesome!

Join me next week for the second step in our series on detoxing.

Part 2: Quick Tips To Bounce Back After Binge A Eating Weekend

Part 3: 6 signs you need a detox

Part 4: Best Time To Detox

Are you ready to dive into detoxing?  Don’t do it alone!

Join us for the 10 Day Mind & Body Detox

Starts May 16th 2022

Early Bird pricing ends May 13th

Click the image below to learn more