Use these mindset tips to achieve your goals faster.  Ask yourself , what game are you playing? To win or lose, get better or stay the same, struggle or success? Whichever game you choose, I am going to show you how to win it!

Believe In You!

What game are you playing? To win or lose, get better or stay the same, struggle or success? Whichever game you choose, I am going to show you how to win it!

What do you believe?Motivation sandpoint

Do you believe in yourself?

Do you believe you deserve the best?

Do you believe you are worth it?

Do some soul searching and discover what you believe.

What you believe you will achieve? What do you believe about yourself? Your beliefs either limit you or lift you up. Be careful what you believe.  Stop being the mean girl…to you. When everyone else is gone you will still be there. Be your own best friend, you deserve it!

For example, Let me just tell you,  YOU are not ‘fat’, you have fat.  YOU are fantastic in so many other ways than what your pant size says.

The reality is YOU keep yourself where you are by the way YOU think. Is it time to transform your thinking?

Do It Anyway

When you don’t want to do something is when you should do it!

Do it to show yourself you can.


Do it so it doesn’t take up any more brain space… This one motivates me ALL the time.

Do it to go outside your comfort zone.

Do it because others think you can’t.

Do it because it’s a step closer to your goals.

Most of all do it so it’s done!

As a trainer for the past 26 years I hear a lot of excuses about why a person just can’t do the things they need to do to achieve their “hopes” (Notice I didn’t say goals – If they have that many excuses then all they really have is “hopes”)  I honestly want to say out loud sometimes “Have you thought about what you CAN DO? Stop thinking about why you can’t do something and think about how you CAN get it done. I’ll help you, you just have to DO it.”

Today is a new day, a chance to do something different. Another opportunity to create the life you want. What will it be? Ask yourself, WHY NOT ME? You deserve to reach your goals and be the best YOU can be.

Define Your Why!

Can’t stay motivated to reach your goals? Why do you really want to do it? Your why keeps you going through the good times and especially the bad.

Ask yourself why you really want to do this. Dig deep!

In fact, I want you to ask yourself “why?”  5 times! Yes, 5 times!

“I want to lose weight” is not what you REALLY want. Think again, it’s a gateway to what you really want.

ASK:  Why (#1)  do I want to lose weight?  Happiness, Health, Energy, Enthusiasm, etc.

Answer…. “I want to lose weight because I will be happy.  Being this weight makes me feel bad about myself.


“Because I compare myself with others and I feel like I come out on the bottom”

Why does this matter to you? (#3)

“Because I can’t keep up when my friends/ family want to go for a hike and I really don’t want to go places when I compare myself to other people”

But why? (#4)

“ Because they look so amazing and it makes me feel frumpy”

Why does it matter that you feel frumpy? (#5)

“Well, because honestly, I am afraid that my husband will notice that they look amazing and I look frumpy and he might become interested in someone else”

A-HA!  This is a BIG reason why.  Now, this might not be YOUR reason why but you can see that as we dig a little deeper we begin to peel back some layers of some really motivating issues.  Unfortunately we all too often let the “motivating issues” (See #3)  be the thing that holds us back from really getting out there and living life we want  and achieving our goals.

The Answer Is In The Action!

Taking action and staying in action is how you play on the court of life. Time to get on the court and stop watching from the stands.

What stops you?

Fear, time, money, lack of confidence?

These are all only reasons for why you don’t have what you want.  Harsh, but true.

Did you know fear is not real? Fear is what keeps us from taking action

What will they say if I fail?… What will they say when you WIN?

What if I don’t knowhow to do it?… What will you learn in the process?

What if they laugh at me for trying?…. What is they applaud you for your ambition?

Now, read JUST those alternative sentences above and notice how powerful you feel as you read them!  Didn’t feel that? Read them again, and again and again and I KNOW when those positive statements will create a new hope in you.

So tell me again, what is stopping you?

Priorities Will Make It Happen

I once heard a life changing statement in a sermon that has always stuck with me.  “Take a look at your wallet and your calendar and you will see where your priorities are”

What are your priorities? Check your schedule, check your bank statement…They never lie.

Don’t know where to start? Take one simple action to build momentum and confidence.

Here’s a challenge for you:

Decide on your top 3 priorities in your life.

Write down your schedule for the next 3 days.

Does it match up?

What do you need to change?

What does your schedule say about you? A schedule never lies!

What does your checkbook say about where you are spending your money? Does it linke up with those health priorities you listed?

Choices and Commitments

What are you committed to? Not a wish or a hope, but a commitment to get it done no matter what.

What things in your life have to become a priority to take this goal of yours from being a hope or a dream to an actual commitment to yourself and your loved ones

Your choices are the steps to fulfilling that commitment to yourself.  Your choices move you closer or farther away from what you want.  When faced with a choice ask yourself, is this what I want?  Choose wisely!

When making this commitment and defining the choices that will lead you to it be careful not to get stopped in your tracks by the fear of change. Change is healthy, it’s what keeps us alive, makes life fresh  and keeps us moving forward toward our commitment rather than keeping us in that comfort zone that made us feel frumpy.

Create a commitment statement for yourself.  It can look something like this:

I ________________________________ , am committing the next ___days to completing this _______________program.

I’m doing this because I deserve to feel amazing and to rid my body of negative thoughts, foods and habits that have been causing me to be less than my best.

I’m going to feel re-energized, fresh, and renewed, and I am excited about taking control over my health and doing this for myself.

I know this may not be easy, but I’m committed and will follow through and will give it 100% of my time and energy. I’m going to take the time to prepare and set myself up for success.

Let’s DO this!

Signed: ________________________________________________________ Date:_____________________

We all know the saying, “You must do what you’ve never done to get what you’ve never had.” it is so simple and true.  Are you happy where you are? If not, what choices got you here? Get out of your comfort zone and try something new to achieve new results.

The compound effect is the principle of reaping huge rewards from small, smart consistent choices. What will you chose to be 1% better today?


We all have days, weeks or even months that challenge us. During these times is when our true character is revealed. These are the reasons that the strong reason “Why” we worked on earlier will keep you in the game.  Be a fighter!

Take some time for yourself today and do the action items highlighted in pink in this article, you deserve it!!!